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  • Andrea

“Footloose” – Footloose the Musical

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

I love my 80’s!!! And I love Footloose!!!!! Did you know that Footloose is based on a true story? Elmore City, Oklahoma is the true inspiration for Footloose. The town is so small most people don’t realize they were in the town until they see the sign saying you are now leaving Elmore City.

Small towns have their advantages and their disadvantages like everything else in life. One advantage is that everyone knows everything that happens so if you are going through something difficult, they are there to help you out. One disadvantage is that everyone knows everything that happens…need I say more. It can be very frustrating at times and comforting at others.

When they filmed the movie Footloose the footage of Chris Penn trying to learn to dance was real, because he could not dance at all. The cast finally started using wrestling terms to help him learn to dance. They accomplished the same goal but explained it in different ways. We can all accomplish the same goal even if we come from different vantage point because remember everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Disagreements is not uncommon in the bible. In Acts Barnabas and Paul disagree on how to proceed so they parted ways. However, they both still carried out the mission of spreading the gospel. We don’t have to agree. We don’t have to use the same terms or language. We can all still accomplish the same goal. So today pray for God to heal the land, for us to all have a better understanding and appreciation for each other even if we don’t agree and then cut footloose!!!!

Acts 15:36-41

2 Chronicles 7:14

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