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“History Has Its Eyes on You” – Hamilton

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

This is going to be a bit of a deviation than I have previously done. Since Micah 6:8 is my favorite verse, I decided to dig a little deeper in it and divide it into three parts.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God. – Micah 6:8

To act justly is a lot. It’s just three words but those three words demand an entire way of life. To act justly is to live with a sense of right and wrong, to walk responsibly before God and protect the needs of the innocent. God calls His people to action and not to sit passively or stay silent. Wow – how the heck are we supposed to do that and work, take care of our family, etc. We look around and we so many things wrong and so many people that need help. We can’t do everything, nor are we expected to. I see it as two-fold – first every action you take needs to be just. We always do the right thing as we live our daily lives. Go back if you take the wrong copy of the receipt in the restaurant (i.e. the one with the tip on it), help someone who can’t reach something in the store, etc. It can be a lot of little things.

The second is to help people and causes in a lawful and meaningful way. You can’t help all of them. Just pick one. The one cause may be speaking out and finding ways to help or it may be helping the single mom who is struggling right now finding someone to watch her child every now and then. As you start to do little things, you will notice more things that come about.

History Has Its Eyes on You is one of my favorite songs in Hamilton. George Washington knew that history would be watching and judging everything they did, so they had to act justly in everything they did. That is how we should live. Imagine that our kids are always watching (because when they were little and always around – we know they were always watching.) And live as if history is watching us.

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