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  • Andrea

“I Know Him” - Hamilton

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

So today is Memorial Day, which was originally Decoration Day where we celebrated all who have died in the military. Growing up in the south – every family chose their Decoration Day date and we would prepare a picnic for the family and go to the cemetery. My family was always the second Sunday of May. Since this was the date since the second world war, no one was concerned about Mother’s Day. However, as a small child I never quite understood why we would spend Mother’s Day celebrating veterans in the cemetery. Oh well. When Memorial Day was made a national holiday and Mother’s Day grew in popularity, we eventually moved from the second Sunday in May. But I will never forget the symbolism of getting dressed in my best dress, shoes, hat and gloves and going to the cemetery. I cannot imagine my girl’s reaction if I suggested that today. But that has stuck with me that we show that amount of respect to the past. My father and I do mission work in Ghana West Africa. He was ordained into the priesthood in Ghana. Symbolism is huge in African culture. One of the things that has stuck with me from that is during ordination, the candidates for priesthood must lay flat on the floor facedown to show how nothing will interfere as they bow down to the Lord.

Keeping that in mind, I’m going to change directions and talk about today’s world with a twist. We live in a VERY polarizing political environment right now. But guess what – it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. And I like to look at differently. We live in a country where we can disagree and have a polarizing environment. That is a testament to our country. In “I Know Him” – the King is laughing because we obviously will not succeed with a President like John Adams. But reality is we will. Whether you love or strongly dislike our president, it doesn’t matter because we will be fine. And we need to show respect today for all the men and women who lost their lives in order for that to happen. Show the veterans the respect they deserve. And also show the respect that is due to our Lord. Although I won’t ask you to lay flat on the floor, say a prayer of thanks to God and ask for his blessing on all of us in this country and others. Remember He is ultimately in charge.

2 Chronicles 7:14

1 Thessalonians 4:14

Psalm 23

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