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  • Andrea


Bring Him Home - Les Misérables

Matthew 1: 18-25, 2:13-18

Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus. He was betrothed to be married to Mary. In that day, an engaged couple did not spend much time together between the engagement ceremony and the wedding. When Mary told Joseph that she was pregnant, he had two choices. According to the law if a betrothed bride committed adultery, the bridegroom could bring her to the religious authorities for public shaming which would result in the loss of the father’s dowry and possibly the bride’s death. Or the second was to divorce her quietly. That would still be an embarrassment but would spare the bride and be the best for her. Since Joseph was a righteous man, he chose the later - that is before the angel visited him. The angel came to visit him in a dream and told him Mary was pregnant from the Holy Spirit, she will give birth to a son and you will call him Jesus. When Joseph woke, he did as the angel commanded and took Mary as his wife. When he said yes to God, it was at great cost to him. People could do the math and know that Jesus was not conceived after marriage. They would cast a dark shadow on his character and reputation, but Joseph obeyed anyway.

After the Magi visited the family, an angel appeared to Joseph again in a dream. He told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt. Once again he obeyed and took the family to Egypt until the death of Herod. Joseph gave up everything he knew and took his family to a foreign land. Again how difficult this must have been.

So Joseph in a nutshell: he was a righteous man and obeyed God regardless of the cost to him; he protected his family regardless of how difficult it was. He was an ordinary carpenter, but said yes to God to be used for extraordinary things.

In Les Miserables, Jean Val Jean meets his daughter's love, Marius, who has been shot. He says a prayer to God asking for Him to save Marius’ life even if it means his own death.

God on high

Hear my prayer

In my need

You have always been there...

You can take

You can give

Let him be

Let him live

If I die, let me die

Let him live

Bring him home

Jean Val Jean asked for mercy for Marius, despite the cost to him. Joseph must have been worried about what was to come. And yet he obeyed without a thought of the cost to himself. He put the child and God’s plan above his own. Listen to Bring Him Home through that lens. And remember God uses ordinary people all through the bible for extraordinary purposes, just as he does today. This week be open to being that person.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are you open to God to be used for his purposes? Whether extraordinary or mundane - where is God calling you?

  2. When was the last time you obeyed or disobeyed God? What was the outcome?

  3. This week be open to opportunities God places before you, regardless of your discomfort, sacrifice, etc.

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