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  • Andrea

“On My Way” – Violet

Violet is about a woman in 1964 who embarks on a journey from North Carolina to Tulsa Oklahoma. She joins a group of passengers on a bus. “On My Way” is sung by the passengers of the bus as they start their journey. They are all headed to different destinations with different stories. But the harmonies are beautiful.

That is something I think can help us right now. We are all on our way somewhere. And although sometimes it may look like it is the same place, all our stories are different. You may have no idea what the story of the person standing right next to you is. And they have no idea what your story is. So, let’s not assume that we know what is going on with each other but rather give them love and respect and help them to get to their destination.

Isaiah 30:21 says, “Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” I like to envision us as all on the bus, although we may be headed in different directions, we can help each other on the way. And the Lord will guide us every step of it. So, listen to the song, sing the harmonies and remember as the song says, “and as I’m goin’ along I carry with me promises that can’t go wrong…as I travel on my way.” Follow the path of the Lord and the promises can’t go wrong.

Isaiah 30:21

Psalm 119:105

Proverbs 3:5-6

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