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  • Andrea

Prologue:The Ghost Light Lost in the Wilderness - Children of Eden Malachi 4:5-6

The Ghost Light is the light left shining on the stage of a theatre when a show is not running or it is “dark.” Right now all of the theatres on Broadway are dark. And all of them have a ghost light on.

The 400 years of silence refers to the time between the Old and New Testament in which God did not speak to the people of Israel. They had turned their back on God, stopped listening to His prophets and stopped following his commands. They were warned many times but the last was from Malachi chapter 4:

5"See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction."

Lost in the Wilderness from the Children of Eden is sung by Cain as he complains to Abel about the problems his parents created and wants to know what else is in the world. He has hope that one day there will be something new:

Till one bright and distant morning

We may stop and look around

And there in the wilderness

Finally we'll be found!

I can imagine that this is how the people of Israel felt. But have hope - the Messiah is coming. The silence ended. As one day soon the ghost light will be turned off because Broadway will no longer be dark.

As we go through the journey of the characters of the Christmas story, they all have one thing in common. They are ordinary people who God used to be part of this extraordinary story. I hope that you enjoy the journey and learn how God can use us as well.

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