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  • Andrea

The Innkeeper

In A Crowd of Thousands - Anastasia

Luke 2:7

Let’s envision the scene from the Innkeeper’s perspective. Bethlehem is filled with people in town to register for the census. It’s late and there is a knock on the door. There is no more room left, so he tells them no. Then he sees a very pregnant young woman. What to do? The only place left is in the stable with the animals; so he offers that. As the night goes by he hears a lot of noise. A baby was born, the shepherds came to visit. Do you think he knew what was happening? Any idea that he was in the presence of the Messiah? Probably not. At least not then. Sometimes a single moment doesn’t mean much at the time. Then years later we realize the importance and the impact that one moment had.

In a Crowd of Thousands is from Anastasia. During the song Dmitry is explaining to Anya how he once saw the Grand Duchess in a parade when he was young. As she starts envisioning the scene, she remembers it and realizes she is the Grand Duchess. That once inconsequential moment changed both of their lives.

When I was in high school, an exchange student came to our church youth group. He asked me questions about my faith and about my story. But I couldn’t answer them. I didn’t have an answer for them. I decided at that time, that wasn’t good enough. I started the process to figure out what my story was. I guarantee you, the exchange student doesn’t even vaguely remember that encounter and probably doesn’t remember me. But that moment changed my life.

The Innkeeper did make room, even if it was in the stable. Dmitry bowed to the Grand Duchess. The exchange student asked questions to someone he just met. There may be something you do today that you think is small or insignificant, but has an eternal impact on someone else. Today be open to those little things; to things God puts in your path. Make room for God.

Reflection Notes:

  1. Have you ever had a moment that seemed like nothing at the time, but later you look back and realize it had a major impact on your life?

  2. Have you made room to talk to and to listen to God? This Christmas season find a time to do so and see what happens.

  3. Is God asking you to make room for something? Do you need to find more time for a relative, friend or something else? Pray about this and see where God leads you.

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