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  • Andrea

You’ll Never Walk Alone – Carousel

You’ll Never Walk Alone is sung to Carrie by her cousin after Carrie’s boyfriend (and father of her child) dies and she does not know how to go on. I have had a lot of friends who have lost one or both parents during this pandemic. Again, as with so many things during the pandemic, the usual grieving process, memorials, funerals etc. cannot be done in the same way right now. That has made it exceedingly difficult for the families. Grief is incredibly difficult to deal with, and then add on the pandemic. It can feel like it’s too much. Sometimes people believe that as Christians we are supposed to hold our head high and handle grief with dignity and not get too upset. BULLCRAP!!!!! Yes, we have hope. We know what is on the other side. But grief is real, and it is hard.

Ecclesiastes 3 says:

1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance

When you lose someone, yes there will be dancing and there will be joy again. But first there is grieving, weeping, and mourning. Allow yourself to grieve. Allow yourself time to do whatever you feel like you need to do right now to get through. But always know that you’ll never walk alone. God is there to help see you through. He will pick you up and give you the strength to go on. People around you will help you. They may not know that you need it right now (especially if you have appeared to handle it well) so tell them. And if you are not comfortable asking them, then message me. There is a whole network of theatre lovers who will embrace you. But please remember to “walk on, walk on with hope in your heart. And you’ll never walk alone.”

22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. – John 16

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